NPE Show Gets off to a Fast Start for Herbold
The Calm Before the Storm! - The Herbold Booth Minutes Before the Show Opening
NPE 2018 was billed as the largest US Plastics Show ever. If day one is any indication, it's living up to its billing.
The Herbold Booth is filled with equipment and traffic has been non-stop. Interest has been coming from companies here in North America and around the globe. At last count we had spoken to prospects from 11 countries.
Interest in Size Reduction and Washline products is running about equal which is a great sign for Herbold and the plastics industry as a whole.
So, if you're at the show or heading there make sure you stop by booth W7545 and say hello.
Photo: Left to Right: Tim Angell, Herbold USA Southeast Regional Manager, Siegfried Engel, Vice President of Marketing, Herbold Meckeshiem, Eric Shankman, Herbold USA West Regional Manager